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Categoría: Arbitradas
Publicado el 03 Julio 2014
Visitas: 2054
Publicaciones Arbitradas
12. Allende-Arandía, M. E., Zavala-Hidalgo, J., Romero-Centeno, R., Mateos-Jasso, A., Vargas-Hernández, J. M., & Zamudio, L. Analysis of Ocean Current Observations in the Northern Veracruz Coral Reef System, Mexico: 2007-12. Journal of Coastal Research. (2015).
11. Fernández-Eguiarte, A., R. Romero-Centeno, J. Zavala-Hidalgo: Metodologías empleadas en el Atlas Climático Digital de México para la generación de mapas de alta resolución. Publicación de la Asociación Argentina de Geofísicos y Geodestas. Geoacta, 39(1): 165-173. ISSN Impreso 0326-7237/ISSN En línea 1852-7744.(2014).
10. Jorge Zavala- Hidalgo, Rosario Romero-Centeno, Adriana Mateos-Jasso, Steven L. Morey, Benjamín Martínez-López: The Resposnse of the Gulf of Mexico to Wind and Heat Flux Forcings: What has been learned in the last 20 years?. Atmósfera 27(3),317-334,(2014).
9. Raga, G. B., B. Bracamontes-Cevallos, L. M. Farfán, R. Romero-Centeno: Landfalling tropical cyclones on the Pacific coast of Mexico: 1850-2010. Atmósfera (FI = 0.823), 26(2), 209-220, Abril 2013.
8. Mateos-Jasso, A., J. Zavala-Hidalgo, R. Romero-Centeno, M. E. Allende-Arandía: Variability of the thermohaline structure in the northern Veracruz Coral Reef System, Mexico. Continental Shelf Research (FI = 2.088), Vols. 50-51, 30-40, doi:10.1016/j.csr.2012.10.001. Diciembre, 2012.
7. Farfán, L. M., R. Romero-Centeno and Graciela Raga: Observations and forecasts from the landfall of tropical cyclones John, Lane, and Paul (2006) over northwestern Mexico. Weather and Forecasting (FI = 2.100), 1373-1393, doi:10.1175/WAF-D-11-00108.1. Diciembre, 2012.
6. Kucienska, B., G. B. Raga, R. Romero-Centeno: High lightning activity in maritime clouds near Mexico. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics (FI = 5.520), 12, 8055-8072, doi:10.5194/acp-12-8055-2012, Sep 2012.
5. Salmerón-García, O., J. Zavala-Hidalgo, A. Mateos-Jasso, and R. Romero-Centeno: Regionalization of the Gulf of Mexico from space-time chlorophyll-a concentration variability. Ocean Dynamics (F.I. = 1.774), 61 (4), 439-448, doi: 10.1007/s10236-010-0368-1, 2011.
4. Zavala-Hidalgo, J., A. Fernández-Eguiarte, R. Romero-Centeno, and O. Zavala-Romero: Digital Atlas of Mexico provides accessible climate information. Eos Trans. AGU, 91 (14), 125-126, April 2010.
3. Romero-Centeno, R., J. Zavala-Hidalgo and G. Raga: Midsummer gap winds and low-level circulation over the Eastern Tropical Pacific. Journal of Climate (FI = 4.097), 20 (15), 3768-3784, 2007.
2. Bourassa, M. A., R. Romero, S. R. Smith and J. J. O'Brien: A New FSU Winds Climatology. Journal of Climate (FI = 4.097), 18, 3686-3698, doi:10.1175/JCLI3487.1, 2005.
1. Romero-Centeno, R., J. Zavala-Hidalgo, A. Gallegos and J. J. O’Brien: Isthmus of Tehuantepec wind climatology and ENSO signal. Journal of Climate (FI = 4.097), 16, 2628-2639, doi:10.1175/1520-0442(2003)016, 2003.